2018-01-12 13:51
President Yu Dongyun led the team to participate in the vice chairman and expert group leader meeting of 2017 Construction Steel Structure Branch Association
On January 13, 2018, the vice chairman and expert group leader meeting of 2017 Construction Steel Structure Branch Association organized by China Construction Metal Structure Association was held in Liaocheng, Shandong Province. Experts from the field of construction in China and representatives of steel structure leading enterprises attended the conference.
During the meeting, the opening ceremony for “National Prefabricated Building Industry Technology Alliance Steel Structure Branch Association” was held and some steel structure enterprises in the national prefabricated industry base were authorized.
As vice chairman of the Steel Structure Branch Association of China Construction Metal Structure Association, the president of Sanxin Group Yu Dongyun and other experts were invited to attend the meeting.
At the meeting, our company was awarded the honorary certificate of “National Prefabricated Building Industry Base”.